The Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell

Contact email address for Website Owner John Donovan who is also the author of a related ebook “The Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell”:

The main photograph (above) and enlargement (left) shows a Swastika flying in WW2 on the flagpole over the main entrance at the HQ of Royal Dutch Petroleum, 30 Carel van Bylandtlaan, in The Hague, Netherlands. Dutch directors of the Royal Dutch Shell Group engaged in anti-Semitic policies against Shell employees and were also guilty of collaboration and appeasement. Jewish employees were instructed to complete a form that for some amounted to a self-declared death warrant. Many did not survive the war. In pre-WW2  years, Shell was led by an ardent Nazi, Sir Henri Deterding, who met directly with Hitler at Berchtesgaden and financed Nazi Germany. Several hundred Shell employees were fanatical Nazis. Shell has threatened legal action in an attempt to deter publication of information contained herein. The content of this website comes mainly from an EBook by John Donovan (available on Amazon). 

Photograph from Image Database Hague Municipal.

Related extracts

A History of Royal Dutch Shell Vol 1C (38 pages) HD 600 dpi (COMPRESSED FILE)

ShellHistoryVolume2.May2015Comp (29 pages) HD 600 dpi (COMPRESSED FILE) and its sister non-profit websites,,,,,, and are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia feature.
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