Category Archives: Alfred Donovan

CHAPTER 1: The best historians Shell could buy

By John Donovan

Shell commissioned a group of eminent “independent” historians (above) mostly Dutch, to author a history of Royal Dutch Shell to mark the Group’s centenary in 2007.  The introduction in Volume 1 pledged independent research and “a proper and even-handed assessment of Deterding.” Something went amiss because the “history,” as published in regard to his dealings with Hitler, is simply untrue.

On 24 May 2015, a light-hearted story in the Prufrock column of The Sunday Times posed the question: “ARE corporate histories the new harbingers of doom?”  It cited the release of corporate histories of two multinational banks that proved embarrassing to the banks due to unforeseen developments. read more and its sister non-profit websites,,,,,, and are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia feature.
Posted in A History of Royal Dutch Shell, Adolf Hitler, Alfred Donovan, Anti-Semitic, Germany, John Donovan, John Donovan Ebook, Joost Jonker, Luiten van Zanden, Rhenania-Ossag, Royal Dutch Shell Group, Shell, Sir Henri Deterding, Stephen Howarth, The Nazis, The Netherlands, Uncategorized, Wikipedia, World War 2 | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on CHAPTER 1: The best historians Shell could buy