Category Archives: Corrib Gas Project

CHAPTER 17: Why does it still matter?

The general public, drivers, investors, relatives of victims of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes against humanity, are entitled on moral grounds, to be aware of this dark chapter in the history of Royal Dutch Shell. People can then decide on an informed basis if they wish to hold shares in the company, or purchase Shell products.

The purpose of this book is to present the unvarnished history of a very dark chapter in Shell’s past, rather than the spun version paid for by the oil giant. I have also drawn attention to other unethical episodes in the history of Royal Dutch Shell.  read more and its sister non-profit websites,,,,,, and are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia feature.
Posted in Adolf Hitler, Apartheid, Ben van Beurden, BP, Business Ethics, Business Principles, Corrib Gas Project, Corruption, Environment, Gazprom, Germany, I.G. Farben, IG Farben, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Oil, Royal Dutch Shell Group, Russia, Shell, Sir Philip Watts, The Nazis, Uncategorized | Comments Off on CHAPTER 17: Why does it still matter?